The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care System (ICS) spent 2019 talking and listening to lots of different people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
We talked to people about their mental health and the support that’s available to them. We did this so we could understand what:
- things are important
- is working well
- we need to do more of
- we need to change
We’ve used what people told us to create a draft 5-year strategy for adult mental health services to explain how we will deliver this.
From 10 October to 2 December 2019, the ICS asked for your thoughts on the work done so far, the things we think are important, our principles and emerging ideas.
Read the engagement evaluation report (PDF, 536 KB).
Useful links and documents
- Adult mental health strategy print version (PDF, 2 MB)
- Engagement evaluation report (PDF, 536 KB)
- Healthwatch Cornwall appreciative inquiry (PDF, 800 KB)
- Summary of engagement undertaken during the consultation (PDF, 75 KB)
- Summary of our adult mental health strategy (PDF, 636 KB)
- Easy read version of the summary of our adult mental health strategy (PDF, 419 KB)
- Round-up of independent feedback received (PDF, 69 KB)
Page last reviewed: 20 June 2022