Shaping our Integrated Care Strategy

Our vision is to make Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly a great place to be born, live and grow old. To help us deliver this vision, we have been engaging with our communities in many different ways to help shape our new ten year strategy.

Since July 2022, we have attended more than 30 events and visited local GP surgeries, and spoken to over 1,500 people to gather their feedback on the health and care services they receive.

In November 2022 until February 2023, we also ran an online survey to gather people’s feedback. Over 552 people competed the survey, which was run through the Let’s Talk Cornwall website, hosted by Cornwall Council.

Thank you to everyone who took part, hearing from you matters.

Read our draft Integrated Care System strategy

You can read our first draft of our Cornwall and Isles of Scilly integrated care system strategy by clicking the links below:

Our Joint Forward Plan

This is a 5-year plan setting the direction for improving healthcare and it will be developed further. It is a delivery plan for the Integrated Care Strategy and ongoing engagement on the Strategy will inform further development of the plan. Our intention is also to work with local people and groups to explore how we can work together to improve health and wellbeing and what healthcare could look like locally in the future. Those conversations will inform the next version of the plan.

Findings from our engagement and survey

You can find the online survey findings here

We have also shared the findings with the leads for each of our service delivery areas so they can use this feedback to shape future service delivery.

Next Steps

This is our first draft of our integrated care system strategy. We are currently seeking feedback through our ‘Community Conversation’ engagement programme in the coming months before we finalise our ten year plans.

If you would like to be kept up to date with how to get involved, please subscribe to our Cornwall Together bulletin, visit this webpage for regular updates or keep an eye on our social media channels.

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