Integrated care system

Cornwall and
Isles of Scilly

Integrated Care System

People living in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly should be able to live happy and healthy lives, to be in control of their future, free from harm and have the same opportunities as everyone else, regardless of where they live.

Our integrated care system (ICS) provides the foundation to achieve this by bringing together the NHS, local authorities, the police, the voluntary sector and other independent providers of care and services we all rely upon.

At its heart is our NHS integrated care board, which provides leadership to our ICS, and will be responsible for setting our NHS priorities and making the best use of the £1 billion budget we are given to manage on behalf of the 555,000 people who rely on us.

Our ICB leaders include doctors, nurses, and people with a wealth of experience and passion who are committed to working in partnership with our communities to create a better place for us all to live.

Our plans to create a joined-up health and care system were approved by NHS England in December 2020, and the organisation was launched on 1 July 2022 to enable partners to work even better together to provide the seamless care that people deserve and have told us they want to receive

Integrated Care System strategy

The first draft of our 10-year Integrated Care System strategy was approved in March 2023 and includes the public engagement findings.

This significant achievement reflects the hard work which had already taken place across the NHS, Cornwall Council, the Council of the Isles of Scilly, and the voluntary sector, to create a single team to deliver high quality wraparound care to everyone who lives here.

Our Joint Forward Plan

Our Joint Forward Plan will help deliver the strategy.

Our System Operating plan

Our System Operating Plan for 2024/25 takes its objectives from our five-year Joint Forward Plan and 2024/25 national planning guidance. It sets out the performance we expect to achieve and level of activity required from healthcare services. The plan sets out changes our system will make towards delivering the triple aim of better care for individuals, better health for our population, and sustainable use of NHS resources.

What we want to achieve

We want Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to be a great place to be born, live and grow old. We want it to be a place where people thrive, and live happy, healthy and independent lives, where they are in control of their future, but know we are there to support them when they need us.

Focusing on the priorities set out in our health and wellbeing strategy and the NHS long term plan, we want to support people to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible and help people to help themselves and each other so they stay independent and well in their community.

This means providing joined-up, high quality services that we can all be proud of, with more services delivered in people’s homes or within their community. This will allow us to make the very best use of the funds which are available to us.

Aims of the integrated care system

  1. Improve outcomes in people’s health, and healthcare.
  2. Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access to care.
  3. Enhance productivity and value for money.
  4. Help the NHS support broader social and economic development.

We will achieve this by working with our partners to develop the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICS and the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) alongside our local authority colleagues.

We want to ensure that providing place-based care is at the heart of everything we do. This means delivering services closest to where people live and involving communities in making the decisions which will affect them.

We work with our:

  • voluntary care sector partners to look at how their role can be further strengthened to support delivering day to day services in communities
  • public health colleagues to understand how managing the health of the population can be better embedded into everything we do

We will also look at how we support our PCNs at a local level to embed and use population health data to support local care.

Our integrated care areas (ICAs) will continue to build their model of care and the infrastructure they need to support it, whilst ensuring that decisions are made by clinical leaders who know what’s best for their community.

Our commitment to working collaboratively during recent years has already delivered real improvements and investment in new services and projects to benefit our population, both now and in the future.

COVID-19 brought all partners even closer together to ensure we were able to manage the significant additional pressures placed upon our health and care system. This included the development of new initiatives such as the creation of community co-ordination centres, and the acceleration of our plans to integrate health and care services.

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