Past integrated care board and integrated care system engagement

Involving people living with diabetes to shape future services – case study

We worked with Diabetes UK and Three Harbours and Bosvena Primary Care Network to carry out series of engagement with 62 people living with diabetes and their family/carers to find out their experiences and ideas to shape the way we provide support and services.

In response, the team piloted a series of diabetes “super clinics” to make access to essential annual diabetes reviews simpler, easier, and quicker to do for just under 200 people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly so far.

The super clinics were arranged in collaboration with the Primary Care Networks, Kernow Health CIC, Cornwall Diabetic Eye Screening programme, Diabetes UK, Volunteer Cornwall, and Cornwall Council.

People with diabetes were invited to attend the specially arranged diabetes clinics as part of their annual diabetes reviews. Usually, these annual reviews require a person to attend separate individual appointments, but the clinics bring together 9 different essential health checks that are carried out within a 30-minute appointment, on a weekend. These clinics speed up the annual review process, saving professionals time and making it quicker and easier for patients who no longer need to attend multiple appointments.

Patients attending the diabetes super clinic receive checks on their blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, urine, weight, BMI, eyes, and feet. The entire process took a fraction of the time typically associated with traditional check-ups and all done on the same day.  People who attended also found their worthwhile and were keen to see this approach expanded.

For 2024/25, the team will be working with people of lived experience of diabetes to shape the future pathways through a new clinical reference group and people of lived experience group involved in providing feedback and co-designing our approach.

Community conversations shaping health and care services May to December 2023

Engagement and patient experience teams, commissioners and volunteers from the Integrated Care System were out speaking to local people, as part of a programme that we called our Community Conversations engagement programme.

We asked people about how we can make Cornwall and Isles of Scilly a healthier place to be born, to live and grow old. The feedback we gathered in many different formats from surveys to film clips of individual stories, has been used already to make changes to the way services are delivered for people with hearing loss or who are d/Deaf.

All the feedback will be used to inform the final version of Integrated Care System’s 10-year Integrated Care Strategy and the Integrated Care Board’s 5-Year Joint Forward Plan and 1-year Operational Delivery Plan which sets out how local organisations will work together to plan, deliver and improve local health and care services.

Tackling digital exclusion

With over 13% of adults in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly digitally excluded we were and are keen to talk to people face-to-face, so we attended:

  • 26 community events
  • 21 community groups
  • 3 community hospitals
  • 10 GP surgeries

We also flew over to the Scilly Isles in May 2023 and attended public locations and events there.

Feedback from our community conversations

The findings from all the engagement activity that also involved several online surveys, a commissioned piece of engagement with people from marginalised communities and linking up with Young People Cornwall, to hear from young people what they think would make Cornwall and Isles a healthier place for young people, we hope to publish around February 2024.

Engagement activities between July 2022 and January 2023

From its inception in July 2022, the integrated care board has endeavoured to focus on listening to the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly population through some new and some existing methods.

Outward facing public facing engagement has naturally concentrated on the following areas because of the huge demand on emergency and primary care services in the region:

  • people’s experience of accessing primary care services
  • people’s experience of urgent care services
  • people’s experience of pharmacy services

But in December, the integrated care board began to look at other areas of healthcare that the public have raised concerns about, as phase 1 of its integrated care strategy engagement. This engagement used Cornwall Council’s Let’s Talk Cornwall website for the first time to reach more people. The survey was advertised by the integrated care board and Cornwall Council.

A summary report detailing the engagement activities of the ICB’s engagement team was presented to the citizen’s engagement and equalities committee.

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly developmental differences plan events

Public events were held on:

  • Friday 25 November 2022 from 9.30am to 3pm in Bodmin
  • Monday 28 November 2022 from 9.30am to 3pm in Penzance
  • Tuesday 29 November 2022 from 9.30am to 3pm in Truro

There were spaces for 50 people at each event that were booked using Eventbrite. All the events were heavily subscribed. 2 events were fully booked, and the other event was just under fully booked.

Working in a structured way in small groups, parents and carers worked together with a multi-professional team of facilitators to look at what the changes could be made in the short, medium and longer term. They looked at what there already were for families and children and young people and what else is needed to achieve the aspiration of a truly child-centred service.

For the publicity information used to promote the events, please see the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly developmental differences plan information leaflet. The outcomes of the 3 events in November are currently being written up and will be published on this website soon

Suicide prevention strategy

The region’s suicide prevention strategy was informed by the views of local residents and people with lived experience of suicide bereavement and suicide attempts. Read the suicide prevention strategy.

‘Hear Our Voice’ report

Healthwatch Cornwall heard from 160 carers of people with dementia and memory loss about how services for people with memory loss and dementia could be improved.

The research report and recommendations can be accessed through Healthwatch’s website.

Patient and public voice (PPV) procurement partner engagement

NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board (NHSCIOSICB) commissions a range of health and care for the population of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.

Commissioning is best described as a continual process of planning, agreeing, and monitoring services. It involves many different elements ranging from an assessment of the population’s health needs, to deciding and defining how the best services are delivered, to going out to tender for services, to negotiating contracts and quality monitoring.

Over November 2022-January 2023 we advertised several volunteer vacancies for patient and public (PPV) procurement partners.

Our PPV procurement partners are members of a specific project team who assess tender bid responses for a service in order to award an NHS contract to the successful bidder.


The service which is currently being procured is the non-emergency transport service involving:

  • non-emergency patient transport
  • secure mental health transport
  • high dependency transport
  • car service

This opportunity has now closed and we will publish the outcome from this procurement once it is complete.

Citizen Advisory Panel

The Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP) provided an independent view and critical friendship on matters relating to health and care.

The CAP helped to ensure that the voice of the local population was heard and influenced developments and that opportunity was created for meaningful, targeted and proportionate carer and public engagement and given equal importance to the work that was done with health and care partners.

After discussion with CAP members at their meeting in September 2023, the decision to stand down CAP was confirmed by the citizen engagement and equality committee in October 2023. However, we continue to work with the remaining members on our engagement strategy delivery project, which will see their involvement in the development and setting up of our new engagement functions.

Page last reviewed: 9 May 2024

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