Non-urgent advice: Before you send us a new request
Check our disclosure log and publication scheme as we may have already answered your question.
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives a right of access to all types of recorded information held by public bodies, like the NHS. Some exemptions apply which means that you may not be able to access all information. The act lists exemptions to protect personal information and limit the burden on public authorities. The intention of the act is to promote openness, transparency and accountability.
The act does not give people access to their own personal data, such as their health records or credit reference file. If you want to see information that we hold about you, please make a subject access request.
Who can request information?
Anyone has the right to make a request for information held by us. You do not have to say why you want the information and you are free to use it for your own purposes. This includes any non-commercial research you are doing and for news reporting. Any other re-use, such as commercial publication, requires the permission of the copyright holder.
Information released by NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board may be reused under the Open Government Licence. For more information, email our FOI team at
What should I do before I make a request?
Before you make a request, it may help to consider the following.
- Is the information you want already available on our website?
- Is the information you want your own personal data? If your request is for information about yourself, such as your medical records, you will need to make a subject access request.
- Are we likely to hold the information? It may save you time if you check if we have the information you want. For example, you may not be sure whether the information you want is held by your council. Public authorities must give reasonable advice and assistance to anyone asking for information, so ask for help when making your request.
- Is the information you want suitable for general publication? The aim of the Freedom of Information Act is to make information available to the public. You can only obtain information that would be given to anybody who asked for it or would be suitable for the public to see.
Some information, such as records about a dead relative, or documents you need for legal purposes, may not always be available. However, you may have a right to see the information you want under other legislation. The public authority holding the information you want should advise you.
What is your request about?
Continuing healthcare
The information you need may already be available on our website, please check our continuing healthcare webpage where we have a list of the most frequent questions we receive.
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust and NHS Kernow
NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board was formed on 1 July 2022 and cannot provide information relating to the former primary care trust (2010 to 2013). Contact the Department of Health’s legacy team as they handle all enquiries relating to the former primary care trust.
Information held by NHS Kernow on 30 June 2022 will be transferred to NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board.
GPs, dentists, or opticians
NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board is not responsible for handling requests about GPs, dentists, or opticians. Email NHS England or call 0300 311 2233 if you need to make a request about these services.
NHS estates
NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board is not responsible for handling requests about NHS estates including community hospitals. Email NHS Property Services if you need to make a request about these services.
Public health
NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board is not responsible for handling requests about public health, such as:
- health protection
- drug, alcohol, and tobacco services
- sexual health
Email Cornwall Council or call 0300 1234 100 if you need to make a request about these services.
How to make a freedom of information request
Requests must be made in writing or email other than in exceptional circumstances. All requests must include the full name and address for correspondence and a description of the information you need. You can say what format you prefer to receive the information in, such as on paper or electronically.
Email your request or write to us.
Freedom of information officer
NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
Part 2S, Chy Trevail, Beacon Technology Park, Dunmere Road, Bodmin, PL31 2FR
We normally acknowledge the request within 3 working days and respond within 20 working days. This is subject to conditions and exemptions.
Will I have to pay for the information?
Where information is available on our disclosure log, publication scheme or website, it will be provided free of charge. If you are accessing documents on our website, the only charge that will apply is those charged by your internet provider. We will not usually charge for providing hard copies of information but may charge for copying onto other media, such as CDs or hard drives.
If a fee is payable, a fees notice will be issued to you, and you will need to pay before we can deal with your request
Can my request be declined?
We are not obliged to comply with vexatious, repeated, or similar requests from the same person, other than at reasonable intervals.
We will provide you with the information you requested unless there is a good reason for not doing so. If this is the case, we will tell why we declined your request. You can ask us to reconsider if you do not agree with our decision.
If you are unhappy with our refusal, you should contact the FOI team to request a review of the decision. If you continue to be dissatisfied, you can appeal to the Information Commissioner. They will investigate the case and either agree with NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly’s decision or decide the information must be disclosed.
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Call 0303 123 1113
During the year 2023 – 2024 we received 454 requests. All but 2 requests were responded to within the statutory deadline of 20 working days. The average response time was 10 working days.
These are broken down into the following quarters:
Request period | Requests received |
April – June 2023 | 121 |
July – September 2023 | 104 |
October – December 2023 | 113 |
January – March 2024 | 116 |
Page last reviewed: 21 August 2024