Start for Life Partnership (One Vision)

What is One Vision?

One Vision is an ambitious plan but, by bringing together all of the people and services that work with and support children and young people, we can break down barriers that can prevent each and every child and young person from harm and promote being safe, healthy and have equal chances in accessing all available opportunities to achieve brighter futures.

The One Vision partnership

The aim of the One Vision partnership, on behalf of the respective Cornwall and Isles of Scilly health and wellbeing boards is to set the strategic framework and monitor its effectiveness, to improve outcomes for children and young people and their families, incorporating the duties of the Child Poverty Act 2010.

The terms of reference (link coming soon) has further information on the principles, role and function and membership of the partnership. It meets on a quarterly basis.

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly local economic partnership

The local economic partnership (LEP) was launched in May 2011. Private sector-led, it is a partnership between the private and public sectors and is driving the economic strategy for the area, determining local priorities, and undertaking activities to drive growth and the creation of local jobs. To enable high quality and robust pathways for young people into training and employment with the right skills it will be essential to maintain links with the LEP and Cornwall’s employment and skills board.

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly health and wellbeing boards

The health and wellbeing boards provide a forum through which elected members, council officers, NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and patient champions will promote joint working and coordinated commissioning across the public health agenda to tackle health inequalities.

Safer Cornwall

Safer Cornwall is the chosen name for the statutory community safety partnership which covers Cornwall. Safer Cornwall leads on the provision of a coordinated response to community safety issues many of which have a cross cutting impact upon children, young people and families in Cornwall including domestic abuse and sexual violence; alcohol and substance misuses; anti-social behaviour and reducing re offending.

Our Safeguarding Children’s Partnership

Our Safeguarding Children Partnership is the key statutory mechanism for agreeing how relevant organisations will work together to promote, safeguard, and protect the welfare of children and young people. It agrees how local services and professionals working with children should co-operate to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

One Vision partnership plan

The One Vision partnership plan (link coming soon) sets out the principles and the approach partner organisations have agreed, for the development and implementation of the One Vision children and young people’s transformation.

This is an ambitious plan aimed at radically changing the way services work together to improve the lives of children, young people and their families in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. It has received enthusiastic support through the governance processes of the partner agencies. The plan was endorsed by the multi-agency health and wellbeing board on 23 March 2017. Senior leaders of the main agencies came together to agree how to change the way education, health and social care services are provided in future.

The One Vision partnership plan is a statutory document. It will shape the future integration of education, health and social care services for children, young people and their families in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Easy read

An easy read version of the partnership plan (link coming soon) has been designed with young people. This version is a great, easy way to share the One Vision principles, drivers for change, priority outcomes, meaningful resources and actions.

Children and young people and child poverty plan 2015 to 2020

The children and young people and child poverty plan 2015 to 2020 and the One Vision partnership plan will ground the commissioning and provision of services within the context of the United Nation’s rights of the child.

Supporting partner business plans

The combined Children’s Trust partners’ functions cover a wide spectrum of need. More information about the services provided by partners and how they plan to implement them can be found below:


The integration of education, health and social care services for children, young people and families in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is gaining significant momentum in its project areas.

The current project areas are:

  • commissioning
  • mental health transformation
  • neuro developmental pathways

Throughout each developmental area, children, young people and families are helping us to shape services by having a voice and helping with the decision-making process.


Please note this is not part of any tendering process, this is early engagement in co-designing Cornwall’s integrated commissioning strategy for children, young people, and their families. This event makes no commitment to procure any services and is not part of any pre-qualification or selection process.

One Vision sets the foundation which the NHS, Cornwall Council and the Council for the Isles of Scilly will use to bring together health and care services for children, young people, and their families.

During phase one we shared details of our ambition to improve services through our partnership plan. We now need to develop these plans to change the way people in health and care work together and people access services to ensure every child and young person is safe, healthy and has equal chances in accessing opportunities to achieve a brighter future.

Framework for service design

Following our engagement workshops with health, care, education, voluntary and community sector colleagues, in February 2018 the One Vision executive, at its meeting on 24 January 2019, and the One Vision partnership, at its meeting on 5 February 2019, approved the framework for service design for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (link coming soon).

This framework document aims to build on the One Vision partnership plan’s 5 core outcomes, and principles for working together to transform the system of services for children and young people, design, and plan future services together. These are co-production; quality; efficiency and effectiveness; outcome focussed; and early help.

This framework aims to set out more detail about how we will design and plan service changes together going forward so that we can ensure a better integrated approach to better meet the education, health and care needs of our children and young people. The allocation of resources happens at a commissioner level and the deployment of resources takes place at a provider level, so it is essential that we have alignment between the priorities of commissioners and providers through a clear set of agreed principles. This framework is therefore intended to govern the relationships and processes across all contributors to the service offer under an enhanced One Vision executive board.

Within this we have also set out an asset place-based approach to the planning, transformation, and commissioning of services, recognising the people we have working with children, young people, families and their community. This framework provides a place in which they clearly see their role and influence over the design and delivery of services.

Mental health transformation

Turning the Tide is the local transformation plan for children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health services, in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

At its heart the plan aims to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of all our children and young people, to build their resilience and to ensure that those who experience emotional wellbeing and mental health problems get the right help at the right time.

Cornwall’s first mental health unit for young people

Sowenna, meaning welfare and success in Cornish, will be the first ever mental health unit for children and young people in Cornwall. The new addition to Bodmin Hospital opened in May 2019. Find out more on the Sowenna website.

Neuro developmental pathways

In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, action is underway to improve the way we help children, young people, and their families with a range of neuro-developmental needs. Representatives of families, health, education, and social care are working together on this priority within our One Vision children and young people’s plan.

Professionals across services agree that arrangements in Cornwall need to meet the range of needs relating to neurodevelopment conditions for children, young people and their families at the earliest possible point and progress to a medical diagnosis when needed:

“We clarify needs, we meet needs early; we assess, review and undertake a diagnostic assessment when needed”.

What do we mean by neurodevelopmental needs

Neurodevelopmental needs include communication and interaction difficulties, autism, ADHD, and developmental and intellectual conditions. When recognised and understood neurodevelopmental needs can be met through changing environmental factors, adjusting support, empowering families, and professionals, and developing communication and interaction awareness and skills.

Children and young people with these needs may experience additional challenges that can restrict and create barriers to participation in a range of activities. Some individuals have complex medical, educational, and social support needs.

Local strategy

The Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly local maternity and neonatal system has a maternity equity and equality plan.

Page last reviewed: 13 May 2024

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