Primary care

Primary care in Cornwall

We have 55 GP practices, organised into 15 primary care networks (PCNs) within 3 integrated care areas (ICAs). The ICAs in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly are central, north and east and west. Each area is made up of PCNs. They provide the foundations for the delivery of a new model of care in the areas where you live. The areas use a population health needs-led approach and have a population of between 150,000 and 200,000 patients.

Get involved with your GP practice

Get involved in commissioning through a patient participation group (PPG). A PPG is a group of people who are patients at the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can. Each GP practice has information on their website about their PPG and how to join.

Planning contributions and health care provision for primary care services

Cornwall Council, working in partnership with NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and NHS England, have produced a guide to planning contributions and health care provision in relation to primary care premises (PDF only, 202 KB)

Cornwall Council developed the guide in response to the levels of growth proposed in Cornwall. The levels of growth may give rise to an increased impact on primary care services necessitating additional infrastructure, resources and funding. Where new populations are created or increased as a result of additional housing, it may be necessary for the planning system to mitigate the identified impact, subject to viability testing. This is supported by the national planning policy framework (NPPF) and policy 28 of the Cornwall local plan.

The guide sets out our position on the collection of financial contributions to help mitigate the impact of development on health care provision where need is identified. It relates only to primary care services. This assists with the assessment of whether a need will be created as result of development and how any charge will be calculated and applied.

Contributions will only be sought where need is identified by us, in partnership with NHS England.

Healthcare cover abroad and for visitors requiring treatment

You can use a European or global health insurance card to get state-provided medically necessary healthcare cover when you are visiting a European Union (EU) country. There are 2 types of cover available.

You can apply for a:

  • global health insurance card
  • European health insurance card (EHIC) if you have rights under the withdrawal agreement

For most people, the UK global health insurance card replaces the EHIC.

Apply for a new health insurance card

The insurance cards are free of charge. Beware of unofficial websites, they may charge you a fee to apply.

Healthcare cover for overseas visitors

Unplanned treatment on a temporary visit to England

A visitor from an EU country who falls ill or has a medical emergency during their temporary stay in England, can use their EHIC.

The EHIC will cover them for treatment that becomes medically necessary during their visit. They will be covered until they return to their country. It will cover them for the treatment of pre-existing medical conditions and routine maternity care. They will not be covered if the reason for their visit is to give birth or receive treatment.

Visitors from Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland

Visitors from these countries may need to pay for NHS healthcare. Any treatment they pay for will be charged at 150% of the national NHS rate.

UK nationals that moved to Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein before 31 December 2020 can use their EHIC or a provisional replacement certificate in the UK.

Planned treatment in England

Planned treatment under the S2 arrangement is only available to visitors from EU countries.

UK nationals and others whose healthcare in the EU is paid for by the UK

You will need to make all the necessary arrangements in advance. Planned treatment is not covered by the EHIC. If you do not have valid documentation, you will be charged for treatment. You will need to arrange for an S2 form from the relevant organisation in your home country before traveling to England.

A UK national living outside the UK should not expect to use NHS services for free. They should take out appropriate travel insurance when visiting the UK.

If the UK government pays for their healthcare through S1 arrangements whilst they are visiting, they will be able to use NHS services in England for free. This will only apply to people living in an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland on or before 31 December 2020.

People who get a UK state pension or other UK benefit, have their healthcare paid for by the UK. People working abroad for UK companies or organisations also have their healthcare paid for by the UK.

A UK national who moves to an EU country can use NHS services for free if they have a:

  • EHIC
  • provisional replacement certificate
  • S2

This will show the healthcare costs are costs funded by the EU country where they live, or if another exemption applies.

If they move to Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland, they may have to pay for treatment when visiting the UK. Any treatment they pay for, will be charged at 150% of the national NHS rate.

Visitors from outside the European economic area

Visitors from outside the European economic area will be charged for NHS secondary care at 150% of the standard NHS rate. Unless an exemption from the charge category applies to them or the treatment.

Page last reviewed: 30 May 2024

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