Autumn advice from our Director of Nursing, Aisling Crombie
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Back to school might mean proud moments in first uniforms, hectic times getting back to routines or waving farewell to those going off to university. Or perhaps it’s a sigh of relief at our quieter beaches, roads and car parks. Often it seems to bring about the beginning of the colder days and winter bugs, so here are some top tips for surviving the autumn term.
- Take up the offer and keep up to date with vaccinations. Students are recommended to have the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and meningitis vaccines. Some of us might be eligible for free COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. This autumn there is a new RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine for pregnant women and older adults. This protects against a virus that can cause lung infections.
- Think ‘Pharmacy First’ for help with minor rashes, burns, coughs and colds, earaches, eye infections, urine infections or tummy bugs. Many local pharmacists can provide prescription medication if needed for a range of minor conditions.
- A good first aid kit and well stocked medicine cabinet can save a trip out if you’re unwell or have an accident.
- Download the HANDi app for advice on how to spot and treat common childhood illnesses (including group A strep) at home. The HANDi app advises when to seek further medical help, including NHS 111 for urgent health issues or 999 for life-threatening emergencies.
- If you run out of prescription medication, visit a nearby pharmacy. They can often provide you with an emergency supply to last until your repeat prescription comes through.
- Stay away from vulnerable older family and friends if you have symptoms of an infectious illness such as a cold, flu or tummy bug.
- If you have a nasty accident and think you may need stitches or an x-ray, the minor injury units or the urgent treatment centre at West Cornwall Hospital can help. It’s worth checking the live opening and waiting times online first, because your nearest may not be your quickest.
- Enjoy the season and stay well!