Can you help us improve diabetes care in Cornwall?

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Partners in Cornwall have come together to re-think and re-shape future diabetes services and we want people with diabetes to join us and give their insight.

A new diabetes clinical reference group (CRG) has been set up to reshape the way care is provided to local people with type 1 and 2 diabetes. The group brings together medical, public health and voluntary sector professionals who provide care and services for people with diabetes. The chair for the group is the community lead nurse for diabetes.

To add to this work, the integrated care board is looking for more local people who have experience of type 1, type 2 or gestational (during pregnancy) diabetes to offer feedback and ideas on how care should be provided in future. People can register their interest in joining a lived experience expert reference group by completing a simple online form by Friday 31 May. 

Dr Chris Reid, chief medical officer for NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board said: “We know that people with diabetes are experts in their condition and we want to hear their feedback about how we can improve our services.

“Ultimately we want to support people to manage their diabetes more effectively. So we would love to hear from people who can help us by joining our expert reference group.”

There will be different ways for members of the group to get involved with both online and in-person opportunities available, included taking part in surveys, giving feedback in a group discussion to being involved in work to ‘design’ future services alongside staff and clinicians.

Anyone who registers will be invited to attend one of two meetings on Wednesday 5 June at 11am or 6pm. These will give further information and will be held in person and online.

Amanda Veall, CRG lead said: “It’s important that anyone with diabetes can have a say in their care which is why we are forming this group to provide feedback and shape future services.

“No matter what type of diabetes you have or whether you can only support us online or in person we want to hear from you.  We’re also interested in people who have a family history of diabetes or who want to understand more about diabetes services.”

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has many successful initiatives to support people with diabetes in place or being piloted across Cornwall, which includes a new ‘super clinic’ model that provides 9 separate medical checks offered in one 30 minute appointment and a successful Diabetes and You programme delivered by Kernow Health which provides essential support and guidance to individuals newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, as well as those already living with the condition.

Meanwhile over 1,000 people at risk of diabetes have taken up the offer to engage with the diabetes prevention programme in 2023/24 which support people to make long term positive lifestyle changes, lose weight and reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Over the last year, face-to-face courses have been launched across 44 different venues across Cornwall as well as a very successful digital course.

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