More appointments to NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly’s integrated care board

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John Govett, the designate chair of NHS Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board (ICB) is delighted to announce the appointment of 5 new designate board members.

Dr Neil Walden, Martin Sykes, Tarn Lamb, Sanj Srikanthan, and Carole Theobald have been appointed as designate independent non-executive members (NEMS) to the new ICB board.

They join John Govett, and designate ICB chief executive officer Kate Shields who were both appointed last November.

The ICB statutory board is intended to start on 1 July 2022, subject to parliamentary legislation and Royal Assent.

Between them, the designate NEMS have a wealth of experience delivering health care, bringing communities and families together to rebuild their lives, and providing people with opportunities to live their best life.

They are:

  • Martin Sykes, vice chair and audit committee chair
  • Tarn Lamb, remuneration committee chair; and workforce committee chair
  • Sanj Srikanthan, finance and performance committee chair; and board senior independent director
  • Carole Theobald, quality and patient pathway committee chair; and citizen engagement committee chair
  • Dr Neil Walden, chair of the ICB place committees, and primary care committee chair

Designate chair of the ICB John Govett said: “After a wide search, the depth and breadth of experience of those appointed is outstanding. This new diverse group of designate independent ICB non-executive members were unanimously appointed by our final selection panel.

“Neil, Carole, Sanj, Tarn and Martin will begin to join me and our health and care system as designates from February 2022, and we will begin to shadow NHS Kernow’s board and its scrutiny committees to ensure a smooth handover and transition to our ICB statutory body, once approved by Parliament and gaining Royal Assent.”

ICB chief executive Kate Shields said: “I am so pleased to welcome Neil, Carole, Martin, Tarn, and Sanj to our ICB. They each have unique skills and insight into understanding what is important to people, and how we can create a health and care system which is person-centred, clinically driven and evidence-based and will make a real difference to enable people to be safe, happy and healthy from the day they are born.”

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